Friday 7 September 2012

To Let Go

She was up on the terrace flying her kite. Her kite was flying high up in the sky and every time she felt that the string was taut, she held it even more tightly and closer to herself. To ensure that string never broke and that she never lost control over her kite, she would limit its movements and not let it fly any higher. She was insecure about letting it go and was not willing to lose it.

"If your concern, limits its opportunities; then its possessiveness and not love"
She stretched out her arm and let go of the string. The wind blew the kite way up and far from sight. She saw it flutter in the wind and be driven by the wind away from her. I noticed the marks on her palm caused by the tension in the string and her conscious efforts of not losing grip.

And she turned to me and said; "Its good for us two, to just let go and move; to a place where there are no obligations and restrictions, and where there wouldn't be any pain caused by frictions."

